Saturday, June 17, 2006

Barking up the wrong tree.

Here's a quick, aborted sketch for the same book. This is our protagonist, Peter, albeit twice the age he's supposed to be (what can I say, I'm not used to drawing realistic kids). While doing the digital watercolour thing is fun in its own way, it's becoming apparent that this style of drawing probably isn't the way to go.

In art school, we're all trying to establish our own individual look that will set us apart from other artists. With the many sketches and studies I've been working on over the past few weeks, I've basically been throwing mine out the window, in favour of a more classical, realistic look. It's always nice to try something new, but at this stage I should really be refining my own individual stuff (which, if you're curious, usually looks more like this:

It's time to seriously rethink the look of these illustrations. Be prepared to see something pretty different this week.



Anonymous said...

Aww, I like it! Definitely all dreamy-style. Keep up the good work <3

Anonymous said...

as always mr Eric, you're way too talented!

I hope you are doing very well - I'm working as an air engineer in Sudbury now so if ever you're in town, we should bump into eachother

Good luck on your book... although i'm pretty sure it's already destined to be awesome :)


Anonymous said...

Green is a bit strong. But I love yellow and purple.

Eric post something new.