Here's Erykah Badu again. I need to skinny up her cheeks a bit, smooth out a bit on the neck and shoulders, and make the eyes bigger, but I think the rest will stay pretty much the same. Next up: D'angelo, I think.
Here's where I'm at with Marvin Gaye and Erykah Badu. With Marvin, it's mostly a matter of punching up the colour and contrast from here on in. For Erykah, I have no idea where I'm going with it, but it's been a lot of fun so far. I'll post the final versions once they're done.
Tessar posted a challenge on his blog for other Sheridanites to do superhero sketches. After Fred's masterful turn as Cyclops this Halloween, I couldn't resist the opportunity to show off the superheroes I hang out with every day. Here we have Fred as Cyclops, Rey as Nightcrawler, Tessar as Batman, and Chad as Tony Stark/Iron Man. Daredevil and Supergirl appear as their own badass selves. Finally, here's me in my Halloween costume from this week. I figured it was my last chance to be Ghost Rider before the movie comes out and ruins everything.